Monthly Archives: December 2018

240 F 218344656 HI3ew83oBvyzV9ucUkE3tu6N9lBefjom - Fifteen Minutes on the Trampoline Can Bring Lots of Benefits to Your Body

Fifteen Minutes on the Trampoline Can Bring Lots of Benefits to Your Body

Rebounding exercises such as trampoline jumping bring plenty of health benefits to your body. And the best part is, you only need fifteen to twenty minutes on one to get these benefits. Gone are those extensive exercises that require thirty minutes or even an hour just to get rid of that unsightly fat.

You can opt for a single-person mini trampoline for exercise purposes. The best thing about this is that you can exercise almost anywhere with it. Either at home or at the park or wherever you want to. With that said, here are five reasons how a 15-minute trampoline exercise can bring lots of benefits to your body.

240 F 125568875 8Pw814Ytbibss8yNRDICH6xWy3BYVUSU - Fifteen Minutes on the Trampoline Can Bring Lots of Benefits to Your Body

  1. Gets Rid of Stress

  • With just a few minutes of rebounding exercises a day, it can create a huge impact on your overall health. It increases blood flow on your cardiovascular system and helps your body to release more endorphins to keep you feeling good throughout the day. Thus, giving you a clearer mind to help you do more and achieve more as well as getting rid of tension.
  1. Enhances the Pelvic Floor for an Improved Sexual Health

  • In case you don’t know the function of the pelvic floor, it is a group of muscles that helps support the base of your pelvis and the organs on it. Having a strong pelvic floor helps control your bladder, improve sexual orgasms, and stabilizes your hip joints. Look at what a 15-minute rebounding exercise can do. If you’re a woman who wants to have an improved sexual health, then start your trampoline exercises today.
  • For active moms that had already recovered days after their delivery, you can strengthen your pelvic floor once again by doing trampoline exercises. A 15 to 20-minute rebounding exercise never hurts.
  1. Improves Balance

  • Rebounding exercises is also a good way to improve your balance as well as your body’s proprioception. If you don’t know what proprioception is, you can do the following:
  • Stand on one leg
  • Close your eyes
  • Proprioception is the process of your body where it sends a message to your leg to make micro-adjustments at a continuous rate to help you stay upright. And if you did the following above and have stayed upright for a long time, then congratulations! You have a strong body proprioception. And if you don’t, then it’s time to get on that trampoline and do more rebounding exercises.
  1. Strength Buildup

  • By doing trampoline exercises, it produces 2-3 times vertical gravitation, which strengthens your bone resistance. Compared to most weight-inducing workouts, rebounding is one of a kind because it’s a low-impact exercise. Which means it’s gentler on joints, cartilage, and even the vertebrae. Since it’s a low-impact exercise, you can exercise more (if you want to exceed more than 15 minutes) if you have the time to even gain more benefits.
  1. Just Have Fun!

  • At the end of the day, just have fun. Rebounding is a fun exercise that can get rid of stress without putting too much pressure on your body while doing it. If you find that 15-20 minutes is just too short, then extend it at your own will. So what are you waiting for? Live healthier and bounce your troubles away by doing trampoline exercises.