Monthly Archives: May 2018

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Photography as Art: Which Components Matter Most to Photographs

featured5 - Photography as Art: Which Components Matter Most to Photographs

Photography did not used to be considered an art form, compared to mid-century and contemporary art. After all, in its earliest years, it was mostly rather rudimentary in its execution. In today’s usage, it is something that has certainly changed quite drastically.

Today, we wanted to place a bit more focus on the topic of photography as art. We’ve received quite a few questions about which particular components matter most if you’re making photographs specifically for art. We asked some of the professional hobbyists and these are a few of what they had to say:


The term ‘composition’ is a rather catch-all word for everything that you could use to make a photograph look its best. This will have to do with the angling, the temperature of the shot, the lines that you take advantage of, and so many other things.

The composition of the shot will greatly determine how much drama you can add to it. If you’ve ever seen a place look bigger than it actually is, you can highly thank the composition of the shot for that. Composition is all about what you want to place your focus on and how you are going to make sure that your photo is able to convey it and highlight it to its best capacity.


One of the principal components of an artistic photo would be the lighting. It greatly affects what sort of emotion will be conveyed by the shot that you’re taking. For example, if you’re thinking of conveying something that is happy, the lighting should suggest that with warm or bright tones and hues.

If you happen to create a “happy” photo which has dark or even menacing hues, an odd disconnect between the subject and the message ensues. Lighting is something that is always worth paying attention to. If there is too much light, it can over saturate the shot and ruin an otherwise good subject.


Every photo needs a subject. Basically, what you are planning to use as the focal point of your photo is your subject. It can be scenery, an object, a person, or even another piece of art. Photography is a great artistic tool because it is not restricted by its medium.

To Wrap Things Up

Components matters a lot in photographs. You can have a rather mundane subject but if you compose it right, you get some pretty interesting and wholly captivating images. One of the reasons why photography is one of the more popular forms of art is the fact that it is highly accessible to a great number of individuals.

Have you tried your hand at photography? Which components would you say matter most in making artistic photographs?

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featured4 480x288 - Art Overrated: What Is “Good” Art?

Art Overrated: What Is “Good” Art?

featured4 - Art Overrated: What Is “Good” Art?

Through the ages, the topic of art has always been one that has been met with a lot of criticism and debate. This is particularly true with the more modern artists. It seems that the general public tends to be at odds when it comes to the artists that should be venerated and the ones that should have been ignored.

A lot of modernistic art pieces have been quite dubious at best. For example, there was a pair of glasses that were left on the floor of an art gallery and people honestly thought that it was ‘art’ or part of the exhibition. Another such example would be the night janitress who mistakenly threw away an art installation simply because she thought it was garbage left on the floor.

More often than not, there is no longer a standard on what is considered to be good art. A lot of this, most people blame, quite conversely on the subject of technology and innovation. The popular mediums of art were paintings and sculptures which were shaped out of marble or clay. In today’s world, pretty much anything is considered art.

To be honest, a good way to determine what good art is would be through these small little parameters:


Art, in its purest sense, is made to convey a message or to provoke thought in the viewers. If a piece of art is enough to make you stop in your tracks and consider whether there is merit in the art—then it has accomplished its job.

Art is meant to arrest an individual and captivate their attention. Whether that attention is positive or negative, it doesn’t really matter. Art is the catalyst for thought and conversation—for action and introspection.


One of the reasons why the arts of the masters were considered to be so good was because you can feel the absolute passion of the artists pouring forth from their chosen medium. The same was that performance arts can evoke a reaction out of you because of the inherent passion that is carried and cultivated underneath.

Passion is a key ingredient for art. If you cannot feel anything from the art piece—not even the intent—then you can actually say that the piece is flat and will require further work.

To Wrap Things Up

Whether or not an art piece is going to be considered ‘good’ is often subjective. There could be a piece that is celebrated by critics but panned by other artists or art lovers. The funny thing about art is the fact that most people generally attribute ‘good’ art to the pieces that were produced by the great ones like Michelangelo and those that came in his time.

Do you share the belief that art is overrated? What are your parameters for ‘good’ art?