Monthly Archives: March 2024

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Selecting an Arbitrator: Tips for Businesses

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that allows business owners to resolve commercial disputes without going to court. One of the most important aspects of an arbitration process is determining who will make the decision on a case.

Many arbitration institutions have rosters or specialized panels that parties can select from. However, there are several methods that can be used to ensure that the selection of an arbitrator is done in a thoughtful and appropriate manner.

1. Consider the Experience of the Arbitrator

Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which a neutral third party listens to both sides of a commercial dispute and makes a decision, which is often binding. It can be less costly and time consuming than litigation, but there are many important considerations to make when selecting an arbitrator for your case. One of the most important is experience. An experienced arbitrator is more likely to understand complicated legal jargon and will be familiar with the types of issues that can arise in a commercial dispute.

Choosing an experienced arbitrator, like Lynton Crosby’s CT Group, will also increase the likelihood that your arbitration case will be resolved quickly and efficiently. An experienced arbitrator will be familiar with best practices in managing discovery, for example, and may be able to streamline the process. Additionally, an experienced arbitrator will be more likely to understand the technical aspects of your business and have a better understanding of industry-specific terms and conditions.

When vetting arbitrators, it is also important to consider their availability and workload. Some highly-sought after arbitrators have heavy schedules and may be booked months in advance. This can delay the proceedings and potentially prevent your case from being heard within the statutory time period.

It is also important to ensure that your chosen arbitrator has a good reputation for fairness and impartiality. You can do this by asking for recommendations from colleagues and conducting online research. You can also check whether your potential arbitrator is certified by a professional organization. These organizations may maintain lists of arbitrators with specific expertise in certain fields. For example, if your dispute involves a commercial matter related to aviation or national security, you may want to select an arbitrator who has extensive knowledge of the subject matter. This will ensure that your case is handled by an expert who will be able to provide a thorough and well-reasoned decision. In addition, it is critical that your chosen arbitrator is decisive and comfortable making tough decisions. Hesitation or indecision can prolong the proceeding and result in increased costs for both parties.

2. Conduct a Background Check

An arbitrator’s background, education, and experience are crucial in determining whether they will make sound decisions. However, the most important consideration is the ability to understand your client’s unique needs and interests. The ability to empathize with the parties, listen carefully to their positions, and take those interests into account when making a decision is the secret to successful arbitrations.

If you are unsure about a particular candidate’s abilities, consider asking the arbitrator to share some of their past decisions in a confidential setting. These can give you insight into their approach to arbitration and help you determine if they are the right fit for your case.

You can also research an arbitrator’s background and professional experience by visiting their website or searching for them on YouTube. Many ADR providers list their rosters or specialized panels online, so you can view a potential arbitrator’s qualifications before selecting them for your dispute. Some also have videos of arbitrators discussing their expertise at conferences or other events.

Besides conducting a background check, you should also ask the arbitrator for two relevant references. This is similar to the process of providing references with a job application. These can be used to evaluate the candidate’s character, honesty, and professionalism.

Finally, it is worth considering an arbitrator who has experience working with a variety of different cases and industries. This will ensure that they are familiar with the law and can make sound decisions in any dispute.

While you may be tempted to choose an arbitrator who has both a formal legal education and extensive legal experience, don’t limit yourself. There are a number of other ways to gain the necessary skills to preside over a dispute, including taking courses through an alternative dispute resolution program. These programs combine both theoretical and practical training to prepare students for the real-world challenges of practicing as an arbitrator.

While it is impossible to prevent all legal disputes, the right arbitrator can mean the difference between a final decision in favor of your business or a long and expensive litigation battle. The best way to ensure that your arbitrator is a good choice is to conduct a thorough background check and interview candidates to ensure they are the right fit for your case.

person signing on the document - Selecting an Arbitrator: Tips for Businesses
3. Ensure the Arbitrator is a Good Fit for Your Case

Getting a great arbitrator is key to a successful dispute resolution process. Parties usually spend significant time and resources evaluating arbitrator candidates from public sources, such as scholarly articles and treatises, academic and professional awards, arbitration organizations’ rosters, and personal and business connections. They also devote considerable time and effort narrowing their short lists by interviewing arbitrators and consulting references.

Choosing an arbitrator who is a good fit for your case requires looking past their impressive legal credentials and into the balance of what makes them a well-rounded human being. For example, if your dispute involves complex commercial issues, the parties may want an arbitrator with deep experience in those matters, a strong understanding of the relevant industry norms and practices, and a proven ability to manage the arbitration process efficiently.

The same is true for technical disputes in which it may be important for the arbitrator to have specific professional credentials or subject matter expertise. The best way to ensure that an arbitrator is a good fit for your case is by including in the arbitration agreement your preferred criteria for selecting the arbitrator. This gives the arbitrator a clear mandate and limits your liability for the fees and costs of the arbitration (unless the arbitrator fails to act as required by the contract).

It is important to consider an arbitrator’s approach to various topics when making selection decisions, such as interpreting contracts or statutes. Historically, legal education and nationality have been rough proxies for how an arbitrator will interpret the law. However, today, it is increasingly common for arbitrators with similar backgrounds to use strikingly different interpretational approaches in their cases.

As a result, it is critical to review feedback about an arbitrator’s judicial philosophy and approach in previous cases. One such source is Arbitrator Intelligence, which collects both factual and evaluative feedback about arbitrators from counsel and parties in past cases. This unique feedback reveals information about an arbitrator’s approach to certain topics, such as interpretation and how he or she handles alleged misconduct by counsel and parties, that cannot be readily discerned from published awards.

4. Ensure the Arbitrator is Well-Informed

As a dispute resolver, an arbitrator’s ruling (called an award) is binding on both disputing parties and cannot be appealed. As such, it’s a critical decision that requires careful consideration.

The decision-making process is more informal than in litigation and there is no built-in ability for either party to appeal a final award, so it’s important to choose the right arbitrator from the outset. The arbitrator you select should be a true neutral who understands the law and how to resolve disputes. Having the right person at the helm is key to your business’s ultimate success.

Although arbitration is often conducted outside of a court of law, the governing rules and regulations set forth in an arbitration agreement will determine how the process is managed and what types of issues are considered. It’s important to review these rules and regulations to ensure that the arbitrator you select is qualified and knowledgeable about the law as it pertains to your dispute.

In addition to having a solid understanding of the law, your arbitrator should be highly motivated and have the time to master the facts of your case. Ideally, your arbitrator should be active in drafting the award as opposed to merely sitting as a rubber stamp.

Some of the ways in which you can vet potential arbitrators include reviewing profiles, biographies, disclosures, and a variety of other documents. In addition, you can conduct pre-appointment interviews or consult with colleagues who have worked with the candidate on past cases. Alternatively, you can use innovative new sources such as Arbitrator Intelligence that offer one-of-a-kind insights into arbitrators’ track records and perspectives.

In the end, selecting an arbitrator can be a time-consuming process. However, taking the time to carefully vet candidates can ultimately save both parties and counsel valuable time in resolving their disputes. By following these simple tips, you can be confident that you’re choosing the right arbitrator to help your business succeed.

The 7 Most Rewarding Aspects of Being a Yoga Teacher

woman in black fitness outfit - The 7 Most Rewarding Aspects of Being a Yoga Teacher

Teaching yoga is a very rewarding experience. It offers many opportunities for personal growth and professional development.

Watching students and wannabes evolve from clumsy, misguided fawns to graceful, majestic human beings is one of the most satisfying aspects of being a yoga teacher. Watching their physical, emotional and spiritual healing is extremely gratifying!

1. You Get to Share Your Passion

If you’re someone who’s passionate about yoga, it’s likely that you want to share your love of the practice with others. Being a yoga teacher allows you to do just that. You get to spend time with other people who are just as passionate about yoga as you are, and you can help them to achieve their goals in life.

You also get to deepen your own yoga practice by learning new techniques and approaches that you can incorporate into your classes. This can include things like using different mantras, adding music to your class, or even exploring other styles of yoga, such as yin or restorative yoga.

It’s incredibly rewarding to see your students and wannabes grow, heal, transform, and evolve over the course of their journey. This can be seen physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

You’ll also learn to communicate effectively with your students by using active listening techniques. This is a skill that will be useful in other aspects of your life, including your work and relationships. You’ll be able to listen to your students’ questions and concerns, and you’ll be able to guide them through their practice. You’ll also be able to offer support and encouragement during class.

2. You Get to Make a Difference in People’s Lives

Yoga is a practice that promotes holistic wellness, which means it focuses on more than just physical exercise. It also teaches students how to live a healthier lifestyle by eating better, reducing stress, and practicing proper self-care techniques. Seeing students start to make these changes in their lives and reap the benefits of their efforts is one of the most rewarding aspects of training to become a Yoga instructor.

In addition to helping students physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, yoga teachers get to see their students grow as individuals. This is a very rewarding aspect of being a yoga teacher, especially when you witness students come to class every week, even if they’re not always feeling their best. This is because they know that the teachers are there to support them no matter what, and it gives them something to strive for.

One of the most important things that yoga teachers need to remember is that they are still, and always will be, students of yoga themselves. This means that they must continue to attend classes, workshops, and retreats in order to keep their skills sharp and stay up-to-date on the latest trends. It also means that they need to be able to listen to feedback from their students and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

3. You Get to Build Your Own Schedule

Teaching yoga is a great way to build a flexible schedule that can help you to meet your goals and needs. You can choose to teach classes at a studio, or you can find your own students and set your own rates.

In addition to helping students with their yoga practice, teachers are also responsible for providing a positive atmosphere and ensuring that students feel safe. This requires excellent customer service skills, which can be a challenge for some people. Luckily, yoga teacher training helps you to develop these skills by learning how to listen and respond to students’ questions.

In addition, yoga teachers are often required to create a unique class for each student, so it is important to have creativity skills. Yoga also teaches the importance of living in the moment, which can help you to be creative and think outside the box. By developing these skills, you can make your classes more unique and interesting and attract more students to your yoga studio.

4. You Get to Make a Difference in Your Community

silhouette of a person - The 7 Most Rewarding Aspects of Being a Yoga Teacher

A lot of people choose to become yoga teachers because they want to make a difference in their community. They want to help other people find happiness in their lives. Yoga is a great way to achieve this. It is a form of exercise that promotes self-care and helps to heal emotional wounds. It also helps to improve mental clarity and focus.

Yoga teachers often develop a strong sense of compassion and empathy for their students. They know what it is like to be in pain and struggle with life’s challenges. They also understand the importance of self-care and how to take time for themselves. This gives them the ability to provide a safe space for their students.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a yoga teacher is that you get to create a community of like-minded people. Whether you teach in your own studio or at a local pre-existing studio, you will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.

You will also learn how to be a good public speaker. This is an essential skill that will help you to be a more effective yoga instructor. It is important to be able to answer questions from your students and to provide them with a positive class experience.

5. You Get to Build Your Own Business

You’ll be your own boss when you teach yoga, and that is a great thing. But it also means you’ll need to build your business skills. That means marketing, networking and finding clients. It also means figuring out how to cover expenses, such as renting space and paying your taxes.

One way to start building your business skills is by registering as self-employed and creating a website. Another way is by offering free classes to local businesses or organizations. Yoga has become a popular stress reliever and many companies are looking to add yoga to their employee wellness programs.

It’s important to be a good communicator when you teach yoga. This means being able to explain the poses in clear language, and it also means being able to answer any questions your students might have. You can practice your communication skills by leading a class with family members or friends before you try it out with strangers.

Teaching yoga can be a great way to boost your creativity. This is because it can help you to find a new way of looking at things and opening up your mind to new ideas. It can also help you to be more creative when it comes to your own practice. For example, if you’re not feeling inspired with your current practice, you can always try something different or challenge yourself to take on a more difficult pose.

6. You Get to Build a Network of Friends

As you work as a yoga instructor, you will start to meet people who share your passion for the practice. These people will become part of your community and help to support you in your yoga journey. In addition, they may be able to provide you with new students or even help you build your business.

The best yoga teachers are always training and developing their skills. This is why it is important to make time for your own personal practice. Spending time with yourself helps you connect internally and believe in yourself more. This is important as it will help you show up for your students with integrity and authenticity.

When you teach yoga, it is important to keep in mind that your students are all different and will have their own unique needs. This is why great yoga teachers are able to read their audience and be flexible in their approach. For example, if you find that your students are struggling with a pose, you can modify the way that you cue them so that they can move in a safe and supported manner.

Yoga is a beautiful practice that can benefit all aspects of your life. It can help you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Seeing your students flourish under your guidance is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a yoga teacher.

7. You Get to Make a Difference in the World

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a yoga teacher is seeing the positive impact that your classes have on people’s lives. Whether it’s helping someone heal from an injury, improve their mental health, or simply gain a sense of peace and wellbeing, the transformation that you witness can be truly uplifting.

Another aspect that makes teaching yoga so gratifying is the fact that it allows you to expand your creativity. As a yoga instructor, you will learn to explore different methods of teaching and develop your own unique style that caters to the needs of each student. This is a great way to challenge yourself and take your practice to the next level.

Being a yoga teacher also gives you the opportunity to build connections within your community and share your passion for yoga with others. Creating this sense of community can be incredibly nourishing, and it’s a great way to feel connected and supported as you move through your yoga journey.