We welcome you as you explore our different categories and discussions about events and art.
Art is for Everyone
In the history of human accomplishments, art is certainly one that is wholly celebrated no matter what era they are in. we tend to make use of art to express ourselves in non-verbal ways. Despite the fact that so many people are from different walks of life, art is something which pulls them all together and allows them to draw their own opinions and takeaway.
Other than art, if there was anything that humans liked to do, it would be to party! We like take on any excuse which would allow us to throw an epic get-together. It can be because we want to boost a business. It could also be because we wanted to support a cause. It could be to celebrate something. Anything is pretty much a reason to have an event.
Hello there! We are glad to have you here with us. We are an online publication that is heavily focused on discussing both art (mid-century and contemporary) and events. We aspire to provide our audiences with thoughtful discussions regarding art and events. We aim to establish ourselves as a premiere site for tips and information that empowers our audience regarding the arts and events.
When it comes to planning an event, it is always important to consider the backdrop. Chances are, people will tend to forget the name of the caterer or even what the event was. What they will remember is what they felt when they gazed upon a natural backdrop—at least, that’s what we’ve constantly heard when we ask people about it.
In light of this, we wanted to talk about how you could suitably utilize nature as a backdrop for your upcoming event. Here are a few tips you can take with you:
Scope out the Area
One of the best things about events is that you let yourself really get to know the place that you’re aiming to host your event at. When you scope out the area, it would be good to ask for gallery photos of the place.
Utilize those shots to get a better feel of the sort of lighting that they tend to get in the really different seasons or weather conditions. The really good event locations are able to provide at least portfolios that can help to influence your decision.
Understand your Event
Of course, the sort of backdrop that you need should be in line with the sort of event that you’re throwing. For example, if you’re having a wedding, you need to place a focal point for the altar or where the bride and groom will be seated during the reception. You may also need a backdrop for a professional like a doctor or a chiropractor in riverside who may need a holistic scenery for their practice.
If your event is a birthday, the backdrop will more likely be used for the activities sprawled along the premises. The backdrop should enhance your event and not overrun it. So a balance needs to be struck with your event.
Use Nature’s Light
One of the biggest sells of natural backdrops is the fact that that lighting is all natural. This can mean really wonderful photographs with the right photographer. It’s not just the photos that you’ll be getting when you go with a natural backdrop.
Your guests get to enjoy being outside for a change. What is interesting is that there are certain venues which have an option for an indoor set-up yet have large windows which still let you have a natural backdrop.
To Wrap Things Up
Utilizing a natural backdrop is not only smart but it’s going to save you a pretty penny. Instead of relying on floral arrangements or even porting inexpensive lighting equipment, you can let Mother Nature wow your clients and your guests. Making use of heaven and earth to give your event a wow factor is simply a truly smart move.
Would you consider using nature as your backdrop? How would you utilize it for your event?
If you happen to be an event planner or are in the business of events in general, there is a lot to be gained by being part of an event planner symposium.
What is an event planner symposium?
A symposium, by definition, would be a sort of conference or gathering with the intent to discuss and explore a particular subject or topic. A lot of different professional fields often hold symposiums because of the many benefits that attendees and exhibitors get to enjoy.
When you really think about it, there are A LOT of different benefits that one would be able to obtain from attending an event planner symposium—especially when you work (or are planning to work) in that particular field.
Here are a few of them:
In the land of events, connections are everything. If you’re planning to run a successful event agency, you will need to carry a list of trusted connections especially when it comes to venues, catering, and other sort of suppliers.
Symposiums are an ideal place to meet and secure alliances with other firms or suppliers. We use the word alliances as it is quite easy to find yourself on the negative side of a bad deal or a competitor. If you make good deals, you’ll have a better chance of being prioritized even when it’s at the last minute.
Think Tank Environment
The world of events is one which changes quite drastically. So when you start to think that you’ve got the whole thing figured out, that’s when a new trend can knock you off your confident feet. A symposium that’s dedicated to event planners emphasizes the need for continued knowledge.
The panel discussions will be talking about a myriad of relevant topics like new technologies or the latest trends when it comes to specific events like weddings or even press junkets. It is always important to continuously sharpen your knowledge about events.
If you happen to be one of the people who have been invited to be part of a panel, you do well to add to your credibility by being part of the symposium. Exposure is one which cannot be understated in the land of events.
Your name is your brand and if you do—or say—the right thing at a symposium, you can fully expect clients to come running after you.
To Wrap Things Up
A symposium is always a great place to get started on your networking or growing your understanding of your particular field. An event planner symposium is a great event wherein many experts in their field are willingly sharing their expertise on the different angels that need to be considered when it comes to throwing or hosting events.
Do you work in an event planning related field? Would you consider attending an event planner symposium?
Photography did not used to be considered an art form, compared to mid-century and contemporary art. After all, in its earliest years, it was mostly rather rudimentary in its execution. In today’s usage, it is something that has certainly changed quite drastically.
Today, we wanted to place a bit more focus on the topic of photography as art. We’ve received quite a few questions about which particular components matter most if you’re making photographs specifically for art. We asked some of the professional hobbyists and these are a few of what they had to say:
The term ‘composition’ is a rather catch-all word for everything that you could use to make a photograph look its best. This will have to do with the angling, the temperature of the shot, the lines that you take advantage of, and so many other things.
The composition of the shot will greatly determine how much drama you can add to it. If you’ve ever seen a place look bigger than it actually is, you can highly thank the composition of the shot for that. Composition is all about what you want to place your focus on and how you are going to make sure that your photo is able to convey it and highlight it to its best capacity.
One of the principal components of an artistic photo would be the lighting. It greatly affects what sort of emotion will be conveyed by the shot that you’re taking. For example, if you’re thinking of conveying something that is happy, the lighting should suggest that with warm or bright tones and hues.
If you happen to create a “happy” photo which has dark or even menacing hues, an odd disconnect between the subject and the message ensues. Lighting is something that is always worth paying attention to. If there is too much light, it can over saturate the shot and ruin an otherwise good subject.
Every photo needs a subject. Basically, what you are planning to use as the focal point of your photo is your subject. It can be scenery, an object, a person, or even another piece of art. Photography is a great artistic tool because it is not restricted by its medium.
To Wrap Things Up
Components matters a lot in photographs. You can have a rather mundane subject but if you compose it right, you get some pretty interesting and wholly captivating images. One of the reasons why photography is one of the more popular forms of art is the fact that it is highly accessible to a great number of individuals.
Have you tried your hand at photography? Which components would you say matter most in making artistic photographs?
Through the ages, the topic of art has always been one that has been met with a lot of criticism and debate. This is particularly true with the more modern artists. It seems that the general public tends to be at odds when it comes to the artists that should be venerated and the ones that should have been ignored.
A lot of modernistic art pieces have been quite dubious at best. For example, there was a pair of glasses that were left on the floor of an art gallery and people honestly thought that it was ‘art’ or part of the exhibition. Another such example would be the night janitress who mistakenly threw away an art installation simply because she thought it was garbage left on the floor.
More often than not, there is no longer a standard on what is considered to be good art. A lot of this, most people blame, quite conversely on the subject of technology and innovation. The popular mediums of art were paintings and sculptures which were shaped out of marble or clay. In today’s world, pretty much anything is considered art.
To be honest, a good way to determine what good art is would be through these small little parameters:
Art, in its purest sense, is made to convey a message or to provoke thought in the viewers. If a piece of art is enough to make you stop in your tracks and consider whether there is merit in the art—then it has accomplished its job.
Art is meant to arrest an individual and captivate their attention. Whether that attention is positive or negative, it doesn’t really matter. Art is the catalyst for thought and conversation—for action and introspection.
One of the reasons why the arts of the masters were considered to be so good was because you can feel the absolute passion of the artists pouring forth from their chosen medium. The same was that performance arts can evoke a reaction out of you because of the inherent passion that is carried and cultivated underneath.
Passion is a key ingredient for art. If you cannot feel anything from the art piece—not even the intent—then you can actually say that the piece is flat and will require further work.
To Wrap Things Up
Whether or not an art piece is going to be considered ‘good’ is often subjective. There could be a piece that is celebrated by critics but panned by other artists or art lovers. The funny thing about art is the fact that most people generally attribute ‘good’ art to the pieces that were produced by the great ones like Michelangelo and those that came in his time.
Do you share the belief that art is overrated? What are your parameters for ‘good’ art?
One of the things that you can count upon is that there is always a local event that is being planned and is asking for people to support it. Today, we wanted to explore the idea of who gains when you support local events.
A majority of local towns and communities often try to foster camaraderie by hosting a number of events. These events usually come in different themes and depending on their success, they can be turn into completely annual events. A majority of local festivals are events which were highly supported by locals and visitors. So here’s a small list which showcase just who you help when you choose to support local events:
Local Economy
Profit and revenue are very important to smaller communities. A majority of the public market tend to support larger conglomerates and corporations because they’ve highly visible. This is not anything that they obtain through sheer luck. Larger corporations tend to corner the market and make sure that only their ads get screen time.
Well, that’s how things used to be, at least. In today’s market, it is a lot easier for smaller businesses—the mom and pop ones—to really get the word out about them. If you support local events which showcase the goods of local businesses, you greatly help out their local economy.
Local Artists
A lot of local events are used to propel or boost local artists into a good visible platform. There have been countless of artists who were able to gain a foothold into the field of arts and performance because of a local event that they were part of.
When you support local events where they showcase homegrown artists, you help them establish themselves as legitimate artists. Every single purchase, no matter how small is one more step toward fulfilling their goal of being full-fledge artists.
What a lot of people do not realize is that they do not just enrich the lives of others by visiting and taking part of locally hosted events. What they also end up supporting would be their own selves.
There are a lot of new sights and sounds that can be discovered especially those that have artistic ties. You help to support yourself as well as you engage and support artists and local events.
To Wrap Things Up
Everyone benefits when local events are supported. When people are able to provide their support for local businesses, brands, and local artists, the local community is able to flourish well. Artists generally fare better when the local community is more supportive.
Do you take part of local events? Who do you think gains the most when you support local events?
The concept of the struggling artist has always been one that has been romanticized for generations. Today, we wanted to give some useful—and practical—pieces of advice for any struggling artist.
Take That Odd Job
A common thing that a majority of newbie artists complain about would be the odd job offers that they get. After paying a significant amount of money on classes and even art courses, it can understandably be frustrating to be offered lower paying jobs.
The thing is no one knows what you are capable of yet. So taking that odd job increases your portfolio and gives your audiences a chance to better understand your style.
Embrace Technology
In certain cases, a lot of artists decline to share their work online due to copyright issues. This, however, ensures that they also miss out on massive exposure from people who would rightfully and legally support your craft.
Just learn what the acceptable forms of copyright are like putting watermarks on everything—and other forms of protection for your art.
Don’t Stop Learning
The advent of the internet has made it rather easy for networks to find each other and share knowledge about their particular crafts. If you are an artist, you must always try to enrich yourself through further study.
Learn more about the different movements out there. See if there is a particular market which aligns itself with your niche.
To Wrap Things Up
The idea of a struggling artist is one which shall continue for years to come. Every artist has their own interpretation of how they are ‘struggling’ and how they can get out of it. The world does need artists and there has been an increased clamor in supporting them. What we hope that these few pieces of advice will help any struggling artist with their cause.
When it comes to the topic of art, people are usually at odds regarding what it is or what is even considered to be acceptable forms of art. Before we get started, we’re truly happy that you’ve chosen to join us as we go on an exploratory journey regarding both arts and events. For today’s discussion, we wanted to explore one of the more common questions that is aimed toward art lovers.
This question being: what is art?
While seemingly a simple question, many of us start to truly look outward and inward to try to answer this. Here are some of the more cohesive responses that our writing team has managed to convey:
“Art is beauty and ugliness. It is both together and apart. Art is cannot be one without the other. The best pieces of art highlight the polar opposites.”
“Art is one of the driving mechanisms behind great upheavals. A majority of the greatest movements was, at the core, an intrinsic belief that certain people were indulging on the beauty of the world while they had to do without.”
“Art is a pursuit. Whether that pursuit is successful or not, it is up to the eyes of others to determine. After all, the greatest artists of our time didn’t even know the worth of their own work. Art is frustratingly reliant on the input of others in order to be legitimized.”
To Wrap Things Up
Art is a fully human concept that continues to affect and elevate lives regardless if they actively seek it or not. One of the best things about art is that it can be pretty much everywhere and at any given time. So even if you aren’t all that interested in it or aware of its existence, it is constantly around you with the colors, hues, tunes, and sights that can just as easily be overlooked.
What’s your take on art? What do you think art is?