Digital X-rays can reveal hidden issues like cavities, gum disease, impacted teeth and a number of other problems. They also allow dentists to compare current images with past ones for monitoring treatment progress.
Getting an X-ray is quick, painless and easy to schedule. This advanced diagnostic tool helps oral health professionals detect and treat problems in their earliest stages, saving you time, money and discomfort.
Early Diagnosis
X-rays are a major tool used by dentists to identify issues that aren’t visible to the naked eye. They are able to detect cavities, gum disease, impacted or extra teeth, and bone loss, as well as determine the severity of any existing problems. They also help dentists pinpoint the location of any issues to plan effective treatments.
To take an X-ray, a digital sensor or a piece of film is positioned behind the oral structures and then exposed to a small dose of radiation. The resulting images display variations in how the X-rays are absorbed, with hard tissues such as teeth and bones appearing lighter and softer tissues like gums and cheeks appearing darker. This helps dentists spot any abnormalities in the teeth, gums, and jawbone, and allow them to develop effective treatment strategies for their patients.
Dental X-rays can help detect tooth decay in its early stages, preventing it from spreading and damaging the underlying teeth. They can also detect gum disease and impacted teeth, and identify problems with the jawbone such as abscesses or lesions. The information provided by X-rays allows dentists to create effective treatment plans that minimize the need for more invasive procedures in the future.
Another key benefit of X-rays is that they can provide an in-depth view of the oral structure, including the roots and supporting bone structures. This allows dentists to assess the quality of existing dental work and identify any areas that may need attention in the future, preventing complications such as tooth decay or gum disease.
To take a CBCT scan, you’ll need to temporarily remove any items that could interfere with the imaging process, such as jewelry, removable dental appliances, or eyeglasses. You’ll then sit or stand in front of the scanner, which gently rotates around your head and face. A CBCT scan can take anywhere from 20-40 seconds and is completely painless. The resulting images are clear, detailed, and provide a comprehensive look into your mouth, jaw, and surrounding areas. They’re far superior to traditional X-rays that only offer a black-and-white photo of your mouth.
Detection of Infections
It’s commonly known that dental X-rays can help detect cavities, bone loss, and other issues. However, what many people don’t know is that X-rays can also help diagnose infections that aren’t visible to the naked eye. This is especially important since oral infections can lead to complications that can affect your overall health. For example, a tooth infection can spread to the bloodstream and cause sepsis, which is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention.
If you’re experiencing pain or a swelling in your mouth, it may be an indication that you have an oral infection. Infections in the mouth can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including swelling, redness, bleeding, and even death. That’s why it’s important to visit your dentist and get an X-ray to check for an infection.
Most dental offices now offer digital X-rays, which use sensors to produce images of the inside of a patient’s mouth using far less radiation than traditional X-rays. They’re also faster and can be viewed within minutes, making it easier for the dentist to find an issue early on and start treatment.
Another type of imaging technology dentists use is a dental cone beam CT scan (CBCT). This is similar to a traditional CT scanner but has the ability to capture multiple images at different angles. These images are then compiled into a three-dimensional (3D) image that gives dentists a more detailed view of the teeth and surrounding structures. If you want to know how to determine the cost of a 3d scan, check out the link attached here.
During a CBCT scan, your dentist will have you sit or stand in front of the machine while it rotates around your head and neck. They’ll likely ask you to hold your breath and close your eyes during the procedure. They may also ask you to remove any metal objects, such as jewelry or removable dental appliances. In addition, it’s recommended to inform your dentist if you are pregnant or have any other health conditions that could interfere with the procedure.
The CBCT scan process typically takes about five minutes and can be done while you’re sitting in a chair or lying on an imaging table. The radiologist will then create a report from the CBCT images and send it to your dentist or oral surgeon. Using this information, the dentist can create an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan for your specific situation.
Detection of TMJ Issues
Dental x-rays are an essential tool for your oral health. X-rays use low levels of radiation to capture images of your teeth and surrounding tissues that can’t be seen by a naked eye. This allows your dentist to identify problems like a tooth decay, gum disease or impacted teeth. In some cases, x-rays can even spot problems like jaw bone damage and a TMJ disorder.
Unlike traditional x-rays that require the use of film and chemical processing, digital X-rays are captured on a computer screen and can be enhanced, enlarged or adjusted in other ways without losing quality or distortion. Digital X-rays also use up to 90 percent less radiation than their traditional counterparts, making them a safer choice. In addition, a digital X-ray is easily transferable to another dentist or specialist, or can be sent electronically to a patient for viewing.
A CT scan, or a computed tomography scan, is an imaging technique that uses a large machine to capture multiple views of your mouth and jaw bones. The images are displayed on a computer, which your dentist can use to evaluate the structure and health of your teeth, gums, jaw bone, and TMJ. In some cases, your dentist may recommend a CT scan to assess whether you have enough bone density to receive a dental implant.
A TMJ disorder is a painful condition that affects the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. It can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, swelling, headaches, and a clicking or popping sound. A TMJ disorder can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, a bite problem, an injury to the face or jaw, arthritis, and more. In some cases, a TMJ problem can lead to the development of a jaw bone fracture. The good news is that a TMJ disorder can be treated with TMJ therapy and other treatments. A TMJ x-ray can detect a jaw bone fracture before it becomes a serious problem. This is one of the many reasons that it’s important to visit your dentist every 1-2 years for regular dental exams and x-rays.
Detection of Jaw Bone Issues
Getting an x-ray might not be pleasant, but it’s one of the best ways to detect tooth decay, gum disease and other oral health issues early on. X-rays capture images of your mouth by passing a small amount of radiation through your body and detecting it on a sensor or film. This allows your dentist to spot problems that you can’t see with the naked eye, such as a cavity hiding between teeth or a crack in a jaw bone.
There are many different types of dental x-rays, but the most common is a panoramic or wide-view X-ray. This reveals all of the teeth in your upper and lower jaw on a single film, giving your dentist a view of their position, growth and development. It can also help identify the location of impacted teeth, reveal the condition of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and locate cysts or other abnormalities.
Periapical X-rays offer more detail, revealing the whole visible tooth from the tip to the root and surrounding bone. These X-rays can help your dentist to spot abscesses and other infections. They can also show the presence of extra teeth, such as third molars that haven’t fully erupted. Panoramic X-rays show your entire mouth in a single image and are useful for identifying the position of extra teeth, such as wisdom teeth.
A CBCT scan, also known as a cone beam computed tomography scan, offers even more information about your teeth and the surrounding soft tissues. This digital imaging test uses a rotating scanner to emit a low dose of radiation that reaches the teeth, bones and soft tissue inside your mouth. The machine’s sensors then detect and process the emitted X-rays to create high-resolution 3-D images. This is a great alternative to traditional x-rays and a valuable tool for dentists who perform reconstructive dentistry or place implants. It provides detailed images of your teeth, sinuses and jaw bone, allowing the dentist to plan treatment before surgery and reduce the risk of complications afterwards. It also helps to detect issues like bone loss or cysts and can even provide information about your vascular health.